POEA launches updated OFW Handbook on Migrant Workers’ Day

THE Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) has launched the updated version of OFW Handbook, which will serve as an important guide and reference for overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) on their work abroad, specially amid the global pandemic.

“This OFW Handbook is a useful reference and guide for our OFWs on their overseas employment, particularly in providing them relevant information on the labor conditions in other countries, especially in this time of new normal due to the pandemic,” POEA Administrators Bernard Olalia.

The OFW Handbook, which has two versions for land-based and sea-based OFWs is free-of-charge and contains essential information on key areas of overseas employment, as well as the updated contact details of Philippine Overseas Labor Offices.

The said handbook also contains overseas employment health safety protocols and other healthy reminders for OFWs to prevent the COVID-19 virus.

Nearly 1,000 OFWs received the OFW Handbook and even received some gift packs and other raffle prizes during the Migrant Workers’ Day celebration in POEA Office, Mandaluyong City.

The OFW Handbook was initially launched in English and will be written in local languages, including local dialects, that would be easily understood by the OFWs.

The said handbook is in accordance to the Republic Act 11227 or “The Handbook for Overseas Filipino Workers of 2018″ signed by President Rodrigo Duterte on February 22, 2019 that aims to further empower OFWs on their overseas employment, and in their smooth reintegration into Philippine society.

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