Proven Ways to Get Hired

Have you ever wondered why the numerous job applications you have made to work abroad are not responded to by recruiters? 

Maybe you have been called for the first interview but have never been asked to return for a second interview let alone getting the job.

As a result, you get increasingly desperate, wondering if you will ever get to work abroad and make more money for your family. Such doubts get worse when so many others friends, relatives and past/present coworkers, some even less eligible, are moving into new jobs abroad easily. Is it just coincidental, or is it bad luck, or is it something else altogether?

Sometimes the problem lies hidden in a combination of mistakes in your process of applying for jobs abroad and handling interviews thereafter. Once you figure out what your problem is, doors to many countries start opening up for progress to the next level of job hunting with an interview call, a recall, and eventually, a job abroad, proving that you are certainly as employable as everyone else.

Proven Ways to Get Hired

It is time to review your approach. Check the suggestions below to see how and why you are missing out and where you may be going wrong. Follow these tips and you will get that much better paying overseas job in no time!

  1. Your cover letter
    • Consider your cover letter as the 60-second advertisement for your resume.
    • Every resume should be sent with a cover letter.
    • A cover letter that is written and presented professionally is necessary, especially in a tough and competitive market.
    • It is your first attempt at grabbing the selector’s attention to make them want to look at your resume.
    • Your letter should be short and tailor-made to the job you are applying for.
  2. Make sure to present your resume properly
    • Selectors never meet candidates till your resume tells them you are suitable.
    • Your resume is critically important for presenting yourself in a convincing way.
    • Therefore avoid a gamble with an amateur self-made write-up of yourself which has little chance of drawing attention in today’s highly competitive job market.
    • You should invest in a professionally developed well presented resume or you will not make the impression which could interest the selectors to choose to interview you.
    • A professionally made resume will ensure that your grammar is perfect and your strengths presented properly.
    • Your resume should be in the required sequence (with your most current job being presented first), visually interesting, well formatted with bullet points, suitably highlighted and limited to two pages.
    • It should ensure your critical thinking skills, ability to follow work procedures, capacity to meet deadlines, etc.
    • Every job application you make should be customized to the job you are applying for and not a generalized write-up that applies to all kinds of jobs.
  3. Use references
    • Any references or recommendations you can get from past bosses, co-workers, clients, subordinates, and suppliers will be a great help.
    • If you don’t have or would rather not use your past supervisor as a reference, get some personal references to speak for you.
    • Do get permission from each person you use as a reference to allow you to use their name and contact details in your resume.
  4. Beware: Selectors will check your social media adventures
    • It’s great to be visible on social media, but if you’ve got photos where your frivolous or dark side has been posted, remove all evidence of it promptly.
    • Selectors abroad will check your social profile and know if you’ve been irresponsible or inappropriate.
    • Erase all evidence of bad language, alcoholic frolic, immodest photographs and such other signs of unsuitable behavior you would not want your boss to see.
  5. Utilize advanced Internet search options
    • Go directly to specific search options like POEAJOBS.PH website instead of floating across the vast array of job offers on the net.
    • Read the daily newspapers to see if any suitable jobs abroad for your qualifications are being advertised.
  6. Network for successful job hunting
    • Developing a network, both online and physical, is a great way to increase your chances.
    • Someone could lead you to someone else who can help you find your next job.
    • Make contacts within your preferred list of employers and use them fruitfully to research the organizations.
  7. Quantity is not your solution
    • Avoid chasing every job advertised and apply only to those where your skills and qualification fit in correctly, ignoring those that vaguely relate to your skills and profile.
    • Decide on what kind of career you want beforehand and identifying some countries and organizations overseas that you’d like to join. Go after them.
  8. Employers are waiting to hear from you
    • Don’t wait for a job to be advertised.
    • Continue focused searching for jobs without waiting for a prospective employer to respond to your application. Who knows! You may even receive multiple job offers.
  9. Know yourself and be you
    • Employers want to know what you can offer them.
    • They expect you to reveal yourself sincerely, not play-act or be false and over smart.
    • Never lie in your resume.
    • You are sure to be caught out at the interview if you do.
  10. The interview. Eat well and show up on time
    • Dress neatly and formally.
    • Don’t make excuses of any kind.
    • Keep eye contact, relax, and speak slowly and in a clear tone, without signs of nervousness.
  11. Sell yourself through your story
    • Mention your specific skills and experience, and recall how you handled earlier tasks and situations.
    • Pepper your story with real time examples and the selectors will understand you better.

Continue to update and re-educate yourself on your profession from developments in the trade. Read up extensively on articles covering interview proceedings and how to handle questions.

If you are already following all of the above, with no results, fine tune your methods and continue your efforts. There’s also no harm checking with others on whether they feel that you’re really doing your best, because that is all it takes for success – results will always be in direct proportion to your effort.   The big day is certainly coming.

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