With the consent of the Overseas Landbased Tripartite Consultative Council (OLTCC), the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG Fund) entered into a Memorandum of Agreement dated 20 October 2020 for the purpose of integrating Pag-IBIG member-contributions into POEA’s Electronic Payment and Collection System (EPCS). The agreement was aimed at strengthening the implementation of the mandatory Pag-IBIG Fund coverage of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) under Republic Act No. 9679 and to provide them with a convenient and inexpensive means to pay their monthly Pag-IBIG member-contributions In furtherance of said system integration and to facilitate the collection of monthly Pag-IBIG member-contributions, beginning 01 February 2022, the POEA shall now require all OFWs and aspiring OFWs to provide and encode their Pag-IBIG Member ID Number (Pag-IBIG MID). into their e-Registration System account.
Correlatively, Pag-IBIG Fund shall require its members to provide their Pag-IBIG MID Number for all Pag-IBIG Fund transactions, effective immediately, to ensure uninterrupted availment of Pag-IBIG Fund benefits and to avoid delays in the processing of loan and provident fund benefit claim applications of Pag-IBIG OFW-members. For this purpose, Pag-IBIG Fund prescribes the following procedures:
1) OFWs without a Pag-IBIG MID Number — are directed to secure their respective MID Numbers from the following channels:
a) Utilities Module of the POEA E-Registration System – where a Pag-IBIG Fund registration link can be found. Simply click the link and the same shall redirect him/her to the Online Membership Registration System of Pag-IBIG Fund where he/she can apply for a Pag-IBIG MID Number: or,
b) Virtual Pag-IBIG – Pag-IBIG Fund’s online service portal thru the Online Membership Registration link: https://www pagibigfundservices.com/PubReq/Starter_Page.aspx
Once available. OFW-members shall encode/Input their new Pag-IBIG MID Number into their respective POEA e-Registration Accounts.
2) OFWs who already have Pag-IBIG MID Numbers but are unable to recall the same – are requested to verify their Pag-IBIG MID Numbers using the following facilities:
a) Virtual Pag-IBIG – Pag- IBIG Fund’s online service portal thru the Virtual Pag-IBIG number Verification Service link: https://pagibigfundservices.com/virtualpagibig/MIDlnquiry.aspx: Or,
b) For any inquires regarding your Pag-IBIG Fund account transactions kindly reach Pag-IBIG Fund’s contact channels, as follows:
- Service Hotline. (02) 8724-4244
- Email via contactus@paqibigfund.gov.ph
- Chat via www.pagibiqfund.gov.ph
- Send a private message via Pag-IBIG Fund Facebook page
Note: For verification requests via email and Facebook page, a government-issued ID shall be required
Once verified, OFW-member shall encode/Input their verified Pag-IBIG MID number into their POEA e-Registration Account.
3) All jobseekers applying for overseas employment – are required to provide their Pag-IBIG MID Number when creating their POEA e-Registration System Account.
4) OFWs who have already been deployed – are required to encode/supply/provide their Pag-IBIG MID Number into their POEA E-Registration Account, upon their next log-in session.
5) Payment of Pag-IBIG member contributions shall be made during OEC processing
6) All licensed recruitment agencies, POEA frontline personnel and Philippine Overseas Labor Offices (POLOs) are requested to help disseminate, remind. and assist their OFW-clients regarding this joint advisory
Gud evening:ma’am/sir
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