More Pinoy workers honored in Taiwan

In yet another proof of the Filipinos’ competitiveness in the global job market, four overseas Filipino workers were conferred model employees by an industry association in Taiwan, the labor department announced on Sunday.

Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III said the Philippines takes pride in the recognition bestowed on the OFWs by the Taiwanese Textile and Weaving Industry.

“We share the honor for their achievements. Their fete makes the Filipino nation even more proud,” Bello said.

In a report to the labor chief, the Philippine Overseas Labor Office ((POLO) in Taipei said Leonor B. Lubo, Kevin Jay C. Fillon, Raquel F. Dacusin, and Arniel S. Felizarta were chosen for their outstanding industriousness and commendable performance in their respective work.

The OFWs joined Taiwanese and workers from other countries who were presented with similar distinction.

Punctuality, obedience, and communication skills were also considered in selecting outstanding workers, POLO Taipei said.

Yai-Ming Zhang, Chairman of the Executive Director Board of the Taiwan Silk and Filament Weaving Industrial Association (TSFA) congratulated and awarded the citation to the awardees.

POLO-Taipei Labor Attaché Cesar Chavez, Jr. handed a cash award to each Filipino awardee.

The TSFA, a non-government organization, conducts the recognition annually to motivate workers to study for the enhancement of their skills and inspire them to improve the efficiency and quality of work.

In another development, 77 OFWs working in various companies in Taichung, Taiwan graduated in Baking and Photography training courses.

Labor Attaché Fidel Macauyag of POLO-Taichung said the training was conducted by POLO-OWWA in partnership with Dartwitz, a Taiwan Manpower Agency and two Filipino volunteer trainers.

Macauyag also told the OFWs of their rights at work and also reminded them to continue practicing health and safety protocols against COVID-19.

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