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While the easiest way to land any job is through prudent preparation, finding one outside the country entails knowing where your skills or profession is needed or in demand. For the most part, Filipinos working overseas are basically filling professions or jobs that locals aren’t capable of doing.


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Best Jobs for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW)

According to the latest ranking of best jobs for overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), engineers, doctors, nurses and IT professionals took home the biggest income.

Within the Middle East region, the most compensated were healthcare practitioners, including doctors, pediatricians, nurses and veterinarians.

The data released by career-recruiting site workabroad also indicated that Filipinos are likely to find jobs in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region than in any other employment markets, with Saudi Arabia topping the list of countries of deployment last year, followed by Qatar and UAE.

The opportunities for skilled workers in Asia-Pacific include carpenters, household service workers, and caretakers. The demand for IT professionals in the region is also on the rise, especially in Malaysia.

Opportunities also abound in the engineering-related segment for technicians and technical operators and in the manufacturing/production operations segment for factory workers, production and machine operators, and welders in Taiwan and Japan.

Those aspiring to land a job in the UAE or anywhere in the Middle East can easily find a lot of opportunities in the general work and engineering sector than in any other industries. The in-demand engineering-related skilled roles include mechanics and electrical technicians. Meanwhile, general work opportunities include roles in the food and beverage industry, such as cooks, waiters/waitresses, and restaurant service.

In the United States, sea-based engineers are in demand and well-compensated, while electricians, fitters, able seamen, cooks, waiters/waitresses and stewards are also highly sought after.

Average salaries of highest-paying jobs by region

Salary of OFW in Middle East
Pediatrician, general doctor, veterinarian, nurse: 54,000 to 86,000 pesos (Dh4,000 to more than Dh6,000)

Salary of OFW in Asia Pacific
Land-based engineer: 56,000 to 59,000 pesos (More than Dh4,000)
IT professional: 54,000 to 58,000 pesos (Dh3,900 to more than Dh4,000)

Salary of OFW in United States
Sea-based engineer: 53,000 to 99,000 pesos (Dh3,800 to more than Dh7,000)

“In-demand general work roles include drivers, electricians, and AC, auto, refrigeration, plumbing, and maintenance technicians.”

“In-demand engineering-related skilled roles include mechanics and electrical technicians. There are also opportunities for cooks, waiters/waitresses, and baristas.”

For those who want to work elsewhere, there are opportunities for skilled workers in Asia-Pacific, and roles include carpenters, household service workers and caretakers.

“Opportunities also abound in the engineering-related segment for technicians and technical operators and in the manufacturing/production operations segment for factory workers, production and machine operators, and welders.”

In the United States, sea-based engineers are in demand and well-compensated, while electricians, fitters, able seamen, cooks, waiters/waitresses and stewards are also highly sought after.

Across various markets, from the Middle East to the US, in the professional segment, engineers are the most in demand.

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