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Job Location
- Saudi Arabia (4,350)
- Qatar (1,240)
- United Arab Emirates (857)
- Australia (610)
- Kuwait (466)
- Japan (377)
- Papua New Guinea (291)
- Oman (190)
- Fiji (161)
- Bahrain (153)
- Brunei (147)
- New Zealand (132)
- Croatia (128)
- Canada (124)
- Hungary (119)
- Czech Republic (107)
- Slovakia (103)
- Greece (98)
- Taiwan (96)
- Ireland (90)
- Singapore (90)
- United Kingdom (87)
- United States (87)
- Albania (84)
- Poland (84)
- Maldives (81)
- Belgium (75)
- Lithuania (68)
- Malaysia (60)
- Germany (54)
- Malta (46)
- Hong Kong (45)
- Nigeria (45)
- Marshall Islands (40)
- Micronesia (39)
- China (38)
- Vanuatu (35)
- Cyprus (34)
- Guam (34)
- Indonesia (33)
- Romania (32)
- Palau (30)
- Northern Mariana Islands (28)
- Slovenia (27)
- Solomon Islands (24)
- Finland (20)
- Cook Islands (20)
- Macau (18)
- Turkey (18)
- Turks and Caicos Islands (18)
Job Category
- Accounting / Finance (205)
- Administrative / Management (409)
- Advertising / Media (84)
- Agriculture / Sciences (139)
- Automotive / Mechanical (930)
- Aviation / Logistics (102)
- Beauty / Personal Care (434)
- Chemical / Industrial (92)
- Construction / Civil Works (1,405)
- Construction / Heavy Equipment Operator (184)
- Customer Service / Call Center (47)
- Design / Architecture (155)
- Driver/Transportation (190)
- Education / Teaching (157)
- Electronics / Electrical (1,301)
- Engineering / Civil (533)
- Engineering / Mechanical (909)
- Entertainment / Music (29)
- Food / Catering (573)
- Health / Safety (162)
- Health Care / Medical (860)
- Hotels / Restaurants (1,662)
- Household Services (318)
- IT / Telecomunication (200)
- Manufacturing (703)
- Maritime / Shipyard (136)
- Mining / Oil & Gas (151)
- Others / General Services (57)
- Procurement / Logistics (264)
- Repair / Maintenance (724)
- Sales / Marketing (396)
- Skilled / Metalworks (1,046)
- Skilled Labour / Trades (778)
- Sports / Recreation (54)
- Travel / Tourism (16)